Elevator Pitch

To make a positive first impression when meeting new people, in person or virtually, include the following as part of your greeting:

  • A warm smile
  • Direct eye contact
  • A firm handshake or confident wave
  • Your Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch can be used in many situations such as when you:

  • Meet new professionals or alumni at networking events or other career events
  • Connect with employers are career fairs or other career events
  • In an interview, at the beginning or when you are asked, “Tell me a little bit about yourself.”

Creating Your Elevator Pitch

  • Introduction: Introduce yourself, offer a firm handshake or confident wave
  • Objective: WHERE ARE YOU NOW? Tell the person where you are now, what year, what major, etc.
  • Summary: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Briefly summarize education, experience, strengths, etc.
  • Closing: WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Talk about what kinds of opportunities you are seeking.

If appropriate, ask a question such as:

  • Can you share any opportunities that might fit with my skills and experience? (Career Fair)
  • Do you know anyone who might know more about… the kinds of opportunities you are seeking? (Networking Event)
  • Tell me a little bit about you (Networking Event)
  • Tell me a little bit about your organization (Career Fair)

Determine how effective and memorable your Elevator Pitch is by using this checklist:

  • I can state who I am, what my work is and what makes me unique
  • I can say my name and concentration of interest
  • My pitch has multiple parts, each can stand on their own and invite conversation
  • I communicate what I do differently, uniquely or unlike my competitors
  • The response I get from either version leads into further conversation such as, “Interesting; tell me more.”

Need Help Crafting your Elevator Speech?

Craft Your Pitch

Hello, I’m ________________________.  I’m currently a __________________ at Augustana College working on my bachelor’s degree in

During my college career I have ____________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________.  Last summer I had an internship with _____________________________________________

____________________ where I _____________________________________________.  I was able to develop ______________________ skills while

__________________________.  I really enjoy _______________________________________________________________________________.


I am interested in working with the _________________________________ as a _________________.  My _____________ degree,

_____________________________________ skills, and interest in _____________________________________________________________

___________________________ through _________________ makes this position a great fit for me.

Hello, I’m Gus Viking.  I’m currently a senior at Augustana College working on my bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Communication Studies.

During my college career I have worked on campus in one of the on-campus convenience stores where I stocked shelves and served student customers.  Last summer I had an internship with the Boys and Girls Club where I helped with programming and events for pre-teen and teen boys.  I was able to develop leadership and mentoring skills while building rapport with kids.  I really enjoy helping kids see their worth and potential.

I am interested in working with the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services as a Case Manager.  My psychology degree, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and interest in helping others through social services makes this position a great fit for me.

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