Career Development & Vocation is making every effort to maintain up-to-date resources on this webpage. As information pertaining to The Dream Act, DACAmented, and UnDACAmented students may change prior to us becoming aware, we apologize if any of the information listed below is out-of-date.
It should also be noted that as an Undocumented student, you may face a special set of challenges in your educational and career journey. These resources will hopefully be a help to you in navigating that journey.
Major/Career Exploration
Many people begin thinking about their career in high school or college when they pursue their first job or internship. For some, they begin thinking about career upon picking a college major.
For students who have DACA, there may be very few limitations to selecting a major or a career. Our office encourages students to explore our the Viking Score: Exploration resource to learn more about the process of selecting a major and career.
For students who are Undocumented and do not have DACA, the journey to a major or career may be met with unique circumstances. Majors or careers requiring clinical placements, practicums, licensure, certifications, or out-of-country travel, may present to be a challenge.
Internship/Job Search
One of the best ways to prepare for life after graduation is to obtain career-related experiences that allow you to develop skills and knowledge you can apply in the workplace. Whether it is a paid or unpaid position, it is important to choose experiences that help you explore your career interests and fit your career goals.
For positions that are paid, a work permit is usually a requirement which presents limitations for Undocumented students. If a position is completed solely for credit or for experience, without pay, a work permit is not necessary, which would be more favorable for Undocumented students.
Visit Internship Resources for more information
Additional Resources for DACA/Undocumented Student
- My Undocumented Life – Internships (for DACAmented and Undocumented students)
- Congressional Internship Program
- The HACU National Internship Program – Corporate Component
- My Undocumented Life – Fellowships (for DACAmented and Undocumented students)
- Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
- UCLA Labor Center’s Dream Summer Fellowship
- Ace: American Council on Education – Protect Dreamers Higher Education Coalition
- Best Financial Aid for Undocumented Students
- College guide for Undocumented Students
- CHCI Resources for Undocumented Students
- DACA and Undocumented Student Guide
- Educators for Fair Consideration
- Latino Civic Association of Tompkins County: Legal Aid and Immigration Resources
- Scholarships for Undocumented Students
- Scholarships Open to Undocumented Students
- United We Dream