Viking Score: PREPARATION Signature Activity
PREPARATION Signature Activity | 6-20 pts
Your Career Goal is a personal statement defining the specifics you wish to attain through work. This can refer to your goal for your first position after graduation, an internship, entrance to graduate or professional school, or a position after graduate or professional school. Basically, it helps define what you plan to do next. And remember, all you must focus on right now is what you plan to do next, not the rest of your life.
Earning your points:
- Class Presentation: If you completed the Career Goal activity as part of a class, you have already earned 6 Viking Score points. To receive the remaining 14 points and to complete this signature activity, schedule an appointment with your Career Coach, bring in your complete Career Goal Activity Worksheet, and discuss what you have learned.
- On Your Own: Complete the Career Goal Activity Worksheet, schedule an appointment with your Career Coach, and discuss what you have learned for the full 20 Viking Score points.