Career Goal Activity Worksheet
Your Career Goal is a personal statement defining the specifics you wish to attain through work. This can refer to what you’d like to do for your first position after graduation/graduate school.
Think about your Career Goal as an answer to this common question, “What do you want to do after graduation?
Typically, students move in one of these directions following graduation:
- Paid work in field of interest
- Continuing education earning a degree in graduate or professional school leading to a career in field of interest
- Post Grad Service working for a non-profit organization earning a stipend, usually a one- or two-year commitment gaining knowledge and skills and/or exploring options in field of interest
- Gap Year spent gaining knowledge and skills required for a career in field of interest
Continuing education, post grad service, and gap year experiences are best thought about as stepping stones to achieving your Career Goal.
The Preparation Activity Worksheet is part of the Augustana College Viking Score.