Researching Graduate/Professional School Programs
Research Graduate/Professional School Programs| 4pts
Before researching programs and institutions it’s important for you to figure out what qualities you want in a program/institution. Similar to reflecting on your Work and Lifestyle Values when exploring career paths, think about what you need in a graduate/professional school program for it to be satisfying and valuable. Visit the Identifying Your Criteria Resource
- To earn your Viking Score Points you must meet with a Career Coach to discuss what you have learned and plan for next steps
For each program you are reviewing gather the following information.
- Name of school
- Name of program
- Location
- Type of Degree: Master’s Degree (M.A., M.S., M.F.A, MBA), Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., Ed.D.), Juris Doctor Degree (J.D.), Doctor of Medicine Degree (M.D.), Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree (D.D.S.), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M), Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.PT), and more
- Type of school (choose all that apply): Public Private Not-for-Profit For-Profit (tread lightly with for-profit educational institutions)
- Cost
- Financial Support: Options available, % of students with support, etc.
- Assistantships: Assistantships are an arrangement in which financial support is given to a graduate student who engages in work, teaching, and/or research for the university. Typically, this provides the student with a monthly stipend and/or free/reduced tuition.
- Accreditation: Accreditation means that the institution has been recognized by some official authority as providing the highest level of advanced training. Accreditation ensures that the program is offering expansive, quality education in its’ intended field. Essentially, the accrediting body evaluates the graduate program and gives it a stamp of approval. Accreditation can affect obtaining licensure (if applicable) and future career and education opportunities, so it is recommended that you attend an accredited graduate program. Not sure what your accrediting body is for your field? Ask your faculty!
- Certifications/Licenses Received upon graduation
- Number of credits needed to graduate
- Approximate time to complete the program: Full-time: _____ Part-time: _____
- Admissions Requirements: Undergraduate GPA, Standardized Tests (if any) & minimum scores, Application Deadlines
- Program Details: Prominent Faculty Members, Significant accomplishments of the program/school/faculty, Typical career paths of graduates of the program
Resources for finding such information: