Cover Letter Example
Gus Viking (use the same heading you used for your resume)
639 38th Street | Rock Island, IL 61201 | 309-794-7338 | |
Dear (Mr./Ms./Dr. and last name) or Dear Hiring Manager:
Opening Paragraph: Capture the reader’s interest and clearly state the reason you are writing and position for which you are applying. Mention specific positive characteristics of the organization that impress you and why you are enthusiastic about this particular organization and/or position. If you are responding to a known opening, explain how you heard about it. If you were referred to the reader through a personal contact, mention that person’s name and point out that he or she suggested you write. End the paragraph with a persuasive statement about why you are qualified or why you are the ideal candidate.
Middle Paragraph: (May be 1-2 paragraphs) Demonstrate why you are qualified for the job/internship. Convince the reader. Think of this paragraph as your sales pitch. Keep the employer’s perspective in mind. Be sure this paragraph(s) draws a connection between the needs of the current job opening and the skills you will bring to the job. Focus on specific experiences that qualify you for this position—work experience, leadership roles, or classroom projects. Highlight information found on your resume, but do not repeat your entire resume. Give concrete examples of your skills and experience. Focus on qualifications that make you a unique candidate such as language skills, a study abroad experience, or technology skills if they are relevant.
Closing Paragraph: Refer reader to enclosed resume and or application. Express an interest in an opportunity to interview for the position or to meet to discuss your qualifications. Elicit an interview or a response from the employer. Indicate how, when, and where you can be reached; include phone number/email. Include your intentions for follow-up. State your appreciation of the employer’s consideration.
(add electronic signature if converting to PDF or printing)
Your Name Typed
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