Sustainable Working Landscapes Initiative

Augustana President Andrea Talentino announces a partnership between the college and the city of Rock Island to identify lead water service lines.
Augustana President Andrea Talentino announces a partnership between the college and the city of Rock Island to identify lead water service lines.

Michael Reisner, director of the college’s Upper Mississippi Center, says Clinton chose 12 projects for the students, including one with the fire department.
Students will also develop a plan to manage trees and parks in the city. at risk from the emerald ash borer now, and possibly other threats in the future.

Lead-based paint study finds 5,000 Davenport homes at high risk

“We’re looking at windows to foundation, condition of the yard to give us an idea of what could be on the inside of the home,” says Ben Bruster.

Don’t be alarmed if you see students up and down the streets of Davenport checking out homes.
They’re going door to door to check homes for signs of lead paint.

Michael Reisner, assistant professor of environmental studies and director of the Upper Mississippi Studies Center, discusses the local partnership at a press conference on campus.

A $100,000 grant will fund a new position to bolster the community-based learning opportunities and transformational work of Augustana College’s Upper Mississippi Center and the Center for the Advancement of Community Health and Wellness.

Augustana President Andrea Talentino Wednesday announced a partnership between the college and the city of Rock Island to identify and inventory lead water service lines in the city.
She called the project “a perfect example of what an engaged education should be.”