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Nano Tips for Identifying and Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace with Desiree Coleman-Fry

Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds. In these video tips, DEI expert Desiree Coleman-Fry sheds light on several unconscious biases that creep into the workplace and shows you how to overcome them. Learn how to actively identify organizational dynamics that create unfair barriers to success for women of color. Explore how to address workplace dynamics that cause a double bind. Go over the concrete ceiling, the punishment gap, and the impact of the racial and gender wage gap. Learn about unseen stressors that women of color face in the workplace and the self-editing coping technique that many historically excluded groups use to survive in challenging workplaces. After exploring these issues, learn some promising practices to foster inclusive and welcoming workplaces for women of color. These nano tips can help you identify strategies to foster belonging and unbiased outcomes at work.

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