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Cultural Humility and Agility

Are you actively promoting a culture of inclusion inside and outside of your organization? If not, it’s time to pivot, which means you need to fully reassess your norms. Today’s leaders face many complex challenges, but they can make a difference and change the terms. Join professor Tatiana Kolovou in this business-critical course, as she covers the power of using cultural humility and agility to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive experience for members of teams and outsiders hoping to join them.

Learn the fundamentals of group dynamics and how they function in the workplace. Explore practical, evidence-based strategies to change your internal and external processing behaviors, with tips on building self-awareness, developing empathy, listening for impact, and staying attuned. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to reevaluate your own professional behaviors so you can become a humbler, more agile leader.

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