Student Employment at Augustana College
All degree-seeking students enrolled at Augustana College at least half-time (4 credits) may apply to work on campus. Students are paid $9.25 an hour. Domestic students can work a maximum of 10 hours a week; additional hours may be worked through the Flexible Employment Program. International students can work a maximum of 20 hours a week including those hours worked through the Flexible Employment Program. The total number of hours allowed each week includes work even if a student has multiple jobs There are certain jobs on campus, such as Community Advisors, which do not allow for a second job. Students are expected to inform all supervisors of other jobs they may already have on campus
Work during the summer or academic break depends on the individual department or office. During these times, a student may not work more than 40 hours a week. Students seeking employment over breaks should contact their on campus employers about whether work is available.
Getting started
Before starting any position, students need to complete required tax forms and show identification. Incoming students may complete this task at Orientation and Registration. All students may complete this task in the Payroll Office in Sorensen Hall during business hours.
Domestic students
All students must fill out the Federal W-4 and I-9 Employment Verification forms. If you are a resident of any state other than Iowa, fill out the Illinois W-4. Only Iowa residents will fill out the Iowa W-4.
Please use the links below and bring with you:
- I-9 Employment verification, pages 1 and 2
- Federal W-4, page 1
- Illinois W-4, page 2
- Iowa W-4, page 1 (Iowa residents only)
- Direct deposit form
- Valid U.S. passport or photo ID (driver’s license or school)
- Original Social Security card, original birth certificate, or valid passport. We need to see these original documents in order to complete the forms. We cannot accept copies.
International students
Before international students can be employed, they will need:
- Social Security card
- U.S. bank account
- Passport
- I-9 Employment verification, pages 1 and 2
Look for a job on Handshake
All student employment opportunities are posted on Handshake. You can access Handshake by clicking the “Access Handshake” button at the top of this page.
Flexible Employment Program
The Flexible Employment Program (FEP) is similar to a temp agency allowing students to work for different departments across campus as needed and select work opportunities that fit within their schedules.
Students can sign up for the Flexible Employment Program (FEP) by sending an email to with FEP as the subject. Students will be registered through a third-party system (Sling) and receive a confirmation link with next steps.
Student Employment and Financial Aid
Federal Work Study
As a part of the financial assistance package, students may receive a Federal Work Study award. Federal Work Study (FWS) is a need-based financial aid program that allows a student to work on campus to earn money for college expenses. Every effort is made to assist eligible students in finding employment; however, Augustana does not place students in jobs.
Should you have questions regarding Federal Work Study eligibility please contact the Office of Financial Aid, 309-794-7680, or email,
Non-federal Work Study
Students who do not qualify for Federal Work Study, based on eligibility determined by completion of the FAFSA, have the opportunity to work on campus through general employment. Non-Federal Work Study students are encouraged to apply for openings in their areas of interest.
Augustana does not guarantee employment, nor is there any guarantee that students eligible for Federal Work Study will earn the entire amount listed on the award notification. For information about Federal Work Study eligibility, email or call the Office of Financial Aid, 309-794-7680.
Student Employment and Flexible Employment Program (FEP)
Career Development & Vocation, 309-794-7339
Federal Work Study
Office of Financial Aid, 309-794-7680