Social Identity Reflection Worksheet

The Social Identity Reflection is another tool in our empathy toolkit which allows us to get a sense of the different social identity categories that we might experience in a particular cultural context.  This includes which groups we belong to within different categories. It helps us identify which social identities we are a part of and how they have influenced us.

Column one lists different Social Identities.  For each of the following columns do the following:

  • Group Membership: This means how you identify yourself within that identity.  For example, under Ability Status, I might write “able-bodied.” This is the description I would give myself within that category.
  • You are very aware: Yes or No
  • Think about infrequently, if at all: Yes or No
  • Discomfort/Comfort with expressing this identity (-3 to +3): Think of this as a scale. -3 to +3: rating your level of comfort expressing this identity out in the world.
  • Lacks/holds privilege in your context (-3 to +3): Think of this as a scale. -3 to +3: rating the level of privilege this gives you in the world.
  • Impacts how you see yourself as a person: Write a few ways this impacts you
  • Influences your views and values related to work: Write a few ways this influences your views and values for work
  • Influences your views and values related to “how to live” life: Write a few ways this influences your views and values for life
  • Informs whom you collaborate or spend time with: Write a few ways this informs your time
  • Your relationship to this identity has changed over time: Whether it has changed and how
  • Comments: Anything you have noticed


  • If something doesn’t apply to you, leave it blank.
  • If there are categories that we haven’t captured please add them.
  • As you go through this process, know that it can be quite challenging.  Just focus on what you want to think about that keeps you also actively participating today, so if something’s going to bring you down or discourage you from really being able to be present you’re welcome to put this aside.
  • Not all of this language may even be familiar, we are here to have conversations with all of you about how we use this tool.

My Example:

Social Identity Group Membership You are very aware of Think about infrequently, if at all Discomfort / Comfort with expressing this identity
(-3 to +3)
Lacks / holds privilege in your context
(-3 to +3)
Impacts how you see yourself as a person Influences your views and values related to work Influences your views and values related to “how to live” life Informs whom you collaborate or spend time with Your relationship to this identity has changed over time
Ability Status Able-bodied X 1 3 Only when doing physical activity No Avoid strenuous physical activity Take into consideraiton when with my mother Since my mother’s ability has changed, I think about it more