Explore Opportunities in Environmental Careers and Internships

Are you passionate about making a difference in the environment, conservation, and sustainability? Whether you’re seeking internships, full-time positions, or academic opportunities, this comprehensive resource guide is here to help you navigate the diverse field of environmental careers.

Below, you’ll find a curated collection of websites and job boards that offer a wide range of opportunities, from internships with national organizations to specialized roles in environmental science, conservation, agriculture, and more. These resources cater to students, early-career professionals, and seasoned experts alike, providing access to job postings, fellowships, research opportunities, and hands-on training programs.

Use this guide to:

  • Explore careers in environmental science, policy, and education.
  • Find internships and apprenticeships with leading organizations.
  • Access specialized job boards for specific fields, such as fisheries, wetland science, and renewable energy.
  • Connect with government, nonprofit, and private sector opportunities.

No matter where you are in your career journey, these resources will support you in finding meaningful work that aligns with your values and professional goals.

Don’t forget to check Handshake for exclusive listings and personalized recommendations for jobs and internships with employers who are actively seeking candidates like you.

Government and National Organizations

AmeriCorps and National Service Programs: http://www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps
Department of Homeland Security – Student Opportunities: https://www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-careers/students
NASA Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships: https://intern.nasa.gov/
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration): http://www.careers.noaa.gov/
US EPA Career Website: https://www.epa.gov/careers
USA Jobs – Comprehensive U.S. Government Listings: https://www.usajobs.gov/

Academic and Research-Oriented

American Geophysical Union – Earth and Space Science Careers: https://careers.agu.org/jobs/
Chronicle of Higher Education – Faculty and Research Positions: https://chroniclevitae.com/job_search/new
Science Magazine – Research and Academic Jobs: http://jobs.sciencecareers.org/jobs/
Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison: http://www.nelson.wisc.edu/careers/jobs.php
UCAR Earth Science Opportunities: http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/es_jobs_net

Conservation and Ecology

Conservation Job Board: http://www.conservationjobboard.com/
Ecological Society of America – Job Listings: http://esa-ecophys.org/positions.html
Society for Conservation Biology – Career Center: http://careers.conbio.org/
Society of Wetland Scientists – Wetland Job Board: http://www.sws.org/Resources/the-sws-wetland-jobs-board.html

Agriculture and Sustainable Development

MOFGA – Farm Apprenticeships: https://www.mofga.org/Programs/Education/Farm-Apprenticeships
WWOOFing – Organic Farming Opportunities: https://wwoofinternational.org
Sustainable Ag and Food Systems Jobs: https://www.goodfoodjobs.com
AquaFish Educational Network: http://aquafishcrsp.oregonstate.edu/educational-employment-opportunities-network

Specialized Fields

American Fisheries Society – Fisheries Jobs and Graduate School: http://fisheries.org/employment/jobs/
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) – Faculty and Staff Jobs: http://www.aslo.org/employment/jobs.html
ASLO – Student Opportunities: http://www.aslo.org/employment/studentops.html
Soil and Water Conservation Society: http://careers.swcs.org/

Job Boards and Aggregators

Back Door Jobs – Short-Term Environmental Opportunities: http://www.backdoorjobs.com/
Environmental Career Opportunities: http://www.ecojobs.com/
Environmental Careers Center: http://environmentalcareer.com/
Cyber-Sierra Resources Job Search: http://www.cyber-sierra.com/nrjobs/enviro.html

Regional and Local Opportunities

Maine Land Trust Network: http://www.mltn.org/jobs/
Rhode Island Environmental Opportunities: http://www.ecori.org/job-listings/
Save the Bay – Narragansett Bay: https://www.savebay.org/